27 de agosto de 2005

Ecos distantes

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007 In Africa: "That night, I stay at the sisters’ house where the dinner is taken communally. (...) A group of 20 people sit around the television to watch French news on TV5. Images of the painful Gaza strip withdrawal, the privatization of France’s roads, soap car races in a Paris park, celebration of Australia in a local zoo (drawing hoos and haas at the sight of a baby Kangaroo) and Dom Juan playing at the theater. It’s so odd knowing that I am in the middle of seemingly nowhere and television connects sisters who have never left their village to people from all over the world. French news seems so irrelevant and dramatic here yet it’s comforting to know that the outside world is still spinning. I wish I could switch the polarity of the television so that the newscaster and French families sitting on their couches could see the sisters watching them with avid eyes."

ENGL 108 Class Blog: "This articile explained how dozens of wildfires have been sweeping Portugal, the latest fire killing 15 people. Coimbra, which is the third largest city, is the area that is being hit really hard. (...)

I find it odd to think about a fire actually killing people. Fires are nature, and nature killing people, aside from earthquakes or tornadoes, just seems like something that happened back in the old days. I never think of a fire being the reason for the death of more than a dozen people."

smartmika: "The final episode was stunning, elegant, and unexpectedly moving. I really had lost interest in the series over the past two seasons, but this last episode made me realize just how much I still felt for the entirely original characters. I couldn't conceive of a more perfect and appropriate ending; it provides complete cosmic closure for this fictional creation. Usually after a series finale for a show I really loved, I feel sort of despondent and upset. After 'Six Feet Under''s finale, I felt absolutely satisfied; each character thread was resolved wonderfully."

kottke.org: "That's it. I've had it. No more Technorati. I've used the site for, what, a couple of years now to keep track of what people were saying about posts on kottke.org and searching blogs for keywords or current events. During that time, it's been down at least a quarter of the time (although it's been better recently), results are often unavailable for queries with large result sets (i.e. this is only going to become a bigger problem as time goes on), and most of the rest of the time it's slow as molasses."

Qu'ils sont cons ces blogueurs: "Pour rendre compte de la nouveauté et la multitude des blogs, le recours à des néologismes et des anglicismes est souvent nécessaire.

Ainsi, dans la blogosphère (parmi les weblogs), les avis divergent quant à l'utilisation d'un mot d'origine française : doit-on garder weblog, son raccourci blog ou la forme francisée blogue ? (c'est vrai ça, faut trouver une solution, on va pas pouvoir s'en sortir)

De nombreuses francisations ont été proposées et sont utilisées par certaines communautés de weblogueurs (rédacteurs de weblogs), mais aucune ne s'est imposée largement. Les expressions carnet web et journal web sont proposées, mais ne rendent pas compte d'une sémantique aussi large que celle de weblog (littéralement : traces sur le web.)"

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